At Altar Lynching Burning Sam Hose American South Donald G. Ma… 9781316633984 LN


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Unused and unread, minor cosmetic imperfections such as scuffing or minor creasing. Stamped 'damaged' by publisher to a non-text page.

EAN: 9781316633984
Published 02/11/2017
Language: English

The story of a black day-laborer called Sam Hose killing his white employer in a workplace dispute ended in a lynching of enormous religious significance. For many deeply-religious communities in the Jim Crow South, killing those like Sam Hose restored balance to a moral cosmos upended by a heinous crime. A religious intensity in the mood and morality of segregation surpassed law, and in times of social crisis could justify illegal white violence - even to the extreme act of lynching. In At the Altar of Lynching, distinguished historian Donald G. Mathews offers a new interpretation of the murder of Sam Hose, which places the religious culture of the evangelical South at its center. He carefully considers how mainline Protestants, including women, not only in many instances came to support or accept lynching, but gave the act religious meaning and justification.

1. Before the burning
Southern mastery
2. Sex, danger, and religion
facing a 'savage fury'
3. Kindling the fire
4. Burning Sam Hose
5. Ashes
rape and history
6. Ashes
the blind and sighted
7. At the altar


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